Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Random Thoughts 2

Lately I have been having these random thoughts and don't quite know what to do with them or how to cleverly fit them into a post .
So I decided ,while once again indulging in my unhealthy ritual of late night cereal consumption, that I should just write them all down and you take what you need and leave the rest for someone else.

Thought #1
Volunteers and people who run diners , shelters, etc.. for the residentially challenged:
The service I find in some places suck because slop should never be on the menu.
Also its not just the service but the attitude in which the service is rendered that I take issue with.
People in charge of these establishments should implement accountability for their volunteers as to how the people they are there to SERVE are treated. Sort of like an 'Internal Affairs" for volunteers and those over them.
I've seen big and small do it all and frankly I think I can do better bc if I do it Gods way,  which is in love, than it is more efficient and effective and produces real change, HEART change.

Thought #2
When God calls you don't say "Not now God its not a good time". 
True chasers of the cross say 'YES LORD YES ,WHEN CAN I START?"
When you accept that your call in life is ministry your life is no longer your own because it never was. Remind yourself daily that your ministry is not yours its His . It will never be about you it will always be about Him to bring glory and Honor to His name. It does matter what people think .You are a walking , talking, advertisement for Jesus. People should know you are a believer without ever having to open your mouth.

Thought #3
When it comes to finances, no matter how much you try to talk yourself into believing the notion that  "I earned it" or "I worked for it" as an excuse to think that life is about how much "stuff" you can buy before you die,trust me you are deceived.
Show me biblically where it makes more sense or is more important than helping your fellow man!If I'm wrong please tell me.
Am I missing something? Am I reading the bible incorrectly? Do I need to learn Greek and ask God for more clarity and wisdom to interpret what Isaiah 58 really means? I can't wrap my head around "stuff " .
People with money always want to give me advice and tell me they have money because everything is for sale for the right price. There is no  money to be made in the giving away buisness. Do you really believe that Gods purpose in  ALLOWING people to acquire wealth was  so they could hoard it and buy more stuff? Rich people how many cars and toys does one need? I 'm not against making money. By all means make your paper boo boo but damn put it in perspective. 

Thought #4
In a world that is hungry and starving for hope, have we become so apathetic and complacent that our ambitions have been reduced down to seeing who can reach the  first million followers on twitter? Humanity, I beg you please, AIM HIGHER,much much higher!

Thought #5 
Last but not least "The meaning of life"...
Jesus is life therefore it means EVERYTHING!!!


  1. Thank you God has blessed you in being you I believe when everyones thoughts are as random as yours we might just make it.God bless you.

  2. Hi Lori

    Just wanted to say the first 2 points or thoughts really touched my heart today.

    Ian UK
