Tuesday, October 2, 2012


There is something very freeing and gratifying about not having a plan. There is a thrilling expectation of anticipation that comes with not being chained to an agenda . It's unfortunate that we allow the rat race and the worlds design and definition of success to become our blueprint for self worth.

Waking up every morning  not knowing how God has planned my day is something I look forward to daily. There is freedom in letting Him have control. A wife who is submissive to her husband gives him the majority of the responsibility, delegated to him by God, that gives her the freedom to tend to  the things that God has delegated to her. The point is, that if we allow God to be in control then we don't end up micro managing every aspect of our life to the point that leaves no room for Him to work.

I think it's also important to realize that if we are not careful we will end up spending so much of our time doing the things we think God wants us to do, that  we slowly begin neglecting the responsibilities He did give us and they will end up on the back burner. Not to mention we keep ourselves so busy doing things for Him that we never  enjoy or make time WITH Him. Think "Mary and Martha".

We get so caught up in how the world thinks we should do things that we don't allow God to give us the peace He is so willing to give us. Life is too short to be repetitive . There is no rhyme or reason to giving God control except to just hand it over and enjoy what happens next. Trust Him because He is trustworthy.

Don't be afraid to shake things up a bit. Do something you have never done (I recommend random acts of kindness) . Go somewhere you have never been, .  We only get one shot at this so take the time to watch your children sleep. Make time for that father daughter dinner or that mother and son movie night. Appreciate the small things and dare to believe for the big things. Don't be so caught up in the life you have created that you forget to enjoy the life God created.

Take time to be in the presence of your Heavenly Father for it is there, behind that torn curtain , the place where miracles happen.