Ever get the feeling that something is about to happen you just don't know what?
My mind has been going a mile a minute. This past weekend was a turning point in my life.
Some people are going to be excited,some will shoot it down and most will just think I'm nuts but I've never been one to ever let
that stop me much less give a damn. I met a woman and her husband who goes from state to state collecting everything from
canned food to ,clothes to, you name it and hands it out to the poor and needy.The side of her truck should have Isaiah 58 painted on it.
They eat mostly at shelters and sleep in there truck.Their provision comes from God and they want for nothing that they NEED.
There's a lesson all its on.What a concept, to live only with what you need. When I start adding up the amount of money I spend
on the wants I am amazed I didn't see it before or maybe I didn't want to see it before.
I can't justify having a 50" flat screen or a 400.00 PlayStation when I live in a neighborhood filled with poverty and despair.
When people are hungry and sleeping in abandoned houses or homeless woman are sleeping in my dads broke down pick up truck in my front yard.
I am so sick of hearing people profile and stereotype the homeless. I guarantee you if you ever took the time to find out how this cycle gets started and why it is steadily growing you would have a different opinion because given the perfect storm of circumstances it very easily could happen to you. If your that unteachable and closed minded because you know everything,than don't do anything that's fine. But don't judge those who are committed to caring for other human beings. Just politely stay out of the way and shut the hell up!
If we would stop waisting our breath complaining about it we could do alot. People have REAL solutions and ways to sufficiently deal with homelessness but nobody wants to listen and one of the first to turn a def ear is the American church. Oh they will support the idea but the "Not in my backyard" mentality is always in the forefront.
We clothe them,feed them, maybe even offer a shower and a warm blanket but never any real solutions.We treat them like a number or just another bum in line waiting for a hand out.
The homeless and the poor don't need your pity they need your help and compassion.Its not enough to open our hearts we need to start opening our doors.Needy people don't want to hear about Jesus they want to SEE Jesus.
If you have a space available to you for non profit and you only utilize it one day a week,think bigger.
Everybody can do something. Here's the bigger picture,in all honesty the mentality of most Americans is that to be successful you have to have it all and more of it. It doesn't make sense,to work your whole life to have things you cannot carry with you from one life to the next.Nobody ever says on their death bed "I wish I would have spent more time at work".There is no u-haul behind a hearse and I for one have no intention of leaving my kids anything to fight over.
My inheritance to them is my legacy.My giving legacy,my make a difference legacy,my love one another legacy. I can't take my flat screen and my PlayStation with me to Heaven but I can take people.
We waste so much in this country and we take so much for granted.We feed starving children in other countries but not our own.
We adopt children from other countries when there are millions of children that are without families here.
We cannot rely on the government to feed the hungry and care for the poor,widowed and orphaned. The American church needs to step up in a big way and practically . Stop conforming to attract newcomers by compromising.
Homelessness and poverty doesn't have to exist,we allow it. We the church should not have church but BE church.Rethink your fundraisers and building funds and purpose them to the Glory of God. I would rather sit outside in a park and have church in the heat instead of having a million dollar sanctuary with a great sound system if it meant people would eat and be warm and have shelter.Isn't that a better picture of Jesus?